
“It is our choices who show what we truly are, Harry, far more than our abilities.” J.K. Rowling

Distributed leadership gets support with the launch of a new coaching cohort

Distributed leadership gets support with the launch of a new coaching cohort

January 7, 2018 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Leave a Comment

This year, a group of fifteen organizing leaders from economic and racial justice organizations across the country will launch the CIWO/APG Ignite Coaching Cohort on Distributed Leadership.  The Coaching Cohort is a pilot program being sponsored by the Alvarez Porter Group and the ... read more

Can Public Employee Unions Save the Labor Movement?

Can Public Employee Unions Save the Labor Movement?

January 5, 2018 · by Allison Porter · Leave a Comment

Imagine this:  hundreds and even thousands of conversations happening all over the country.  People in pairs, small groups, big halls. Whispers growing into chatters growing into a cacophony of excitement and possibility.  Listen as the talk leads to action which ... read more

Summer Reading and Listening

Summer Reading and Listening

May 30, 2017 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Leave a Comment

Whether you want escape, education or provocation, there are good books and podcasts to get you there.  Here are a few our favorites, and please do add your own in the comment section below: Books: Fiction: The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead Swing Time by ... read more

Michele said yes!

Michele said yes!

May 28, 2017 · by Joe Alvarez · Leave a Comment

When Allison and I started the Alvarez Porter Group in 2009 our vision was to create a community of social justice Organization Development practitioners who could do good work with great organizations while learning from and supporting each other.  After eight ... read more

Leading Movement Staff in Tumultuous Times

Leading Movement Staff in Tumultuous Times

May 27, 2017 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Leave a Comment

In moments of great threat and great possibility tensions can be heightened.  The pressure to adapt to change, tighten belts and take effective action exacerbates issues that may have been dormant.  If you are experiencing this just know it is part ... read more

Unstoppable, joyous, exhausted

Unstoppable, joyous, exhausted

May 24, 2017 · by Allison Porter · Leave a Comment

Bob Lawson  b. 1944 in Midland, Texas In 1966, Bob went to Chicago to work with JOIN (originally an SDS community organizing project building a multi-racial movement of the poor) and organized a group called Uptown Goodfellows and later they started an organization in Chicago called Rising ... read more

What inspires me now: Neighbors taking action

What inspires me now: Neighbors taking action

May 9, 2017 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

I am inspired by Tim and Alison Benford, who cancelled their retirement plans and poured their time and passion into organizing their community in Dayton, Ohio. They launched a block and street captain structure and personally recruited hundreds of people ... read more

Friedrichs Redux

Friedrichs Redux

January 2, 2017 · by Allison Porter · Leave a Comment

The third in a series. See Time to Double Down and 4 Things Public Sector Unions Are Doing Among the many uncertainties there are about the new administration, there is one thing we can predict with confidence: Friedrichs redux. Public sector union leaders breathed ... read more

Time to double down: What the demise of Friedrichs means for labor

Time to double down: What the demise of Friedrichs means for labor

March 24, 2016 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Leave a Comment

When Antonin Scalia died in Texas last month, public sector unions got some breathing room.  Friedrichs vs California Teachers Association - the case that was expected to overturn Abood vs Detroit Board of Ed in April – ended up in a ... read more

5 Best Tools for Online Collaboration

5 Best Tools for Online Collaboration

January 2, 2016 · by Grace White · Leave a Comment

As travel budgets tighten and the need for collaboration increases, you are probably spending more of your time on conference calls, reading emails, and feeling disconnected from your team. This does not have to happen!  There are many easy-to-use online tools for ... read more

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