Jose F. “Joe” Alvarez:   Passion, experience, leadership

Joe Alvarez Joe is a consultant who combines frontline leadership experience, knowledge of organizational science, and a passion for empowering others to reach their goals. Combining his own immigrant experience with his lifetime as a movement builder, Joe brings a unique set of skills to any organization.

As an organization development practitioner, Joe specializes in developing leadership in others and in helping organizations be visionary, adaptive, and effective. In addition to working with local and national organizations, Joe has extensive experience working with multi-stakeholder groups in the environmental, immigrant rights and labor movements. He has developed an acute sense for how to help those complex systems find their common agenda, overcome their internal tensions and reach their potential.

As a leader in the anti-war and civil rights movements in the South, Joe learned early how to motivate and inspire others who faced uphill battles. As a rank and file activist and elected leader in the textile and health care industries in North Carolina, Joe trained leaders, inspired members, and grew his organization.  As a national and regional director, he learned the dynamics of building unified campaigns through decentralized organizations.  And as a member of non-profit boards and activist organizations, Joe learned that it is only through combining the strengths and perspectives of many that we can achieve our goals.

In 2000, Joe helped found the New York AFL-CIO/Cornell University Union Leadership Institute, where he still teaches.  He has led courses in leadership and management at U-Mass Amherst and CUNY, and is an adjunct professor at Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations and part of the core faculty for the National Labor Leadership Institute [NLLI], a project of the AFL-CIO and Cornell..  Joe received his Master’s in Organization Development in 2006 from AU/NTL and is a member of NTL.

Joe is married with two adult children and three grandchildren. He lives in Yonkers, NY, with his wife, Sally.

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What I’m reading now:

Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2008