Off the Shelf

Books on leadership, social justice and organizational change are reviewed here.

Notes from the Storm: Black Immigrant Domestic Workers in the Time of COVID-19

Notes from the Storm: Black Immigrant Domestic Workers in the Time of COVID-19

June 20, 2020 · by Alvarez Porter Group · 1 Comment

by MARC BAYARD & KIMBERLY FREEMAN BROWN Black immigrant domestic workers are at the epicenter of three converging storms—the pandemic, the resulting economic depression, and structural racism. Intersectional identities such as Black, immigrant, woman, and low-wage workers make these essential workers some ... read more

Summer Reading and Listening

Summer Reading and Listening

May 30, 2017 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Leave a Comment

Whether you want escape, education or provocation, there are good books and podcasts to get you there.  Here are a few our favorites, and please do add your own in the comment section below: Books: Fiction: The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead Swing Time by ... read more

Decisive: the anti-blinking guide to decision making

Decisive: the anti-blinking guide to decision making

July 9, 2013 · by Alvarez Porter Group · 1 Comment

I have to confess, I loved reading Chip and Dan Heath's previous books, Switch and Made to Stick, because they tell such great stories, use brain science, and offer really practical tools.  So I was really looking forward to hearing ... read more

Creating Community

Creating Community

February 6, 2013 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

I pay attention to books that stay with me and influence my behavior for the better. Peter Block's Community: The Structure of Belonging is such a book. In it, Peter proposes that small groups are our only hope for achieving connectedness between people ... read more