Leadership Coaching

Make a change

Leadership coaching is a focused, outcome driven, personalized approach to making a real change. It is a confidential conversation between a leader and a trained professional that results in new thinking and new action.

Leaders at all levels need more time for reflection. The more responsibility they have, the more difficult this seems to be. Coaching provides the discipline of paying attention to what matters. Coaching takes the focus of everybody else and puts it where it can make the most difference: on you.

Reach your goalshome3new

Each coaching engagement is tied to a goal. This can be a goal for your own development, or for a breakthrough on a challenging situation.

The coaching conversation is an opportunity to reflect, decide and commit to action toward that goal. Coaching can be particularly effective at key junctures, such as:

  • A promotion or new opportunity
  • Leading major organizational change
  • To deepen and enhance training and development

Find support and challenge

how-to-respond-negative-performance-reviewFirst a foremost, coaches are in your corner. This sense of being truly heard and supported is fundamental to personal growth.

A coach will also challenge you to think in new ways, without telling you what to think; will help you by offering frameworks, tools and resources to enhance your thinking, and, without blame or shame, will keep you on track with your own commitments.

Structure your coaching engagement

Coaching can be structured in various ways. For example:

  1. 12 biweekly 1-hour sessions tied to achieving 2-3 meaningful goals
  2. 10 weekly 1-hour sessions focused on making one breakthrough change
  3. 6 monthly, 1-hour sessions as a companion to training
  4. One-off sessions to re-set a commitment or make a decision

To decide what format is best for you, and to interview potential coaches, please contact michele@alvarezporter.com


  • Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence
  • David Rock, Quiet Leadership: six steps to transforming performance at work
  • James Flaherty, Coaching: evoking excellence in others

Contact us to learn more about executive coaching.