Leading Movement Staff in Tumultuous Times

May 27, 2017 · by Alvarez Porter Group · Filed Under Blogposts on Leading Staff, Choices, Featured · Leave a Comment

The Ignite Program: Igniting the talent & energy of your people

In moments of great threat and great possibility tensions can be heightened. The pressure to adapt to change, tighten belts and take effective action exacerbates issues that may have been dormant. If you are experiencing this just know it is part of the natural tension between being in a ‘movement’ and being in an ‘institution.’

The Alvarez Porter Group Ignite Program

It is at times like these that social justice organizations desperately need leaders who supervise staff to be skillful and resilient and traditional management training fails on both counts. Welcome to Alvarez Porter Group’s Ignite Program. Management training for movement leaders.

by Nip Rogers

Leading Staff with a Social & Racial Justice Lens

“The Ignite Program helped to tease out specific areas of growth for our team of directors- both in terms of our collective alignment as well as support in how we provided direct supervision.” Erica Smiley, Organizing Director, National Jobs with Justice

It shouldn’t be surprising in 2017 that the new wisdom of motivating staff and creating accountabilities comes more from the field of psychology than the factory floor. Our curriculum is rooted in what we now know works to create a culture of high performance and commitment.

Allison & Tony at SEIU 1000: facilitation wizards!

Design that Supports Breakthroughs

“After starting the program, I have seen a new level of internal communication, clarity of roles, and leadership responsibility within our organization.” Alex Tonisson, Staff Director, IFPTE Local 21

Ignite is designed to support implementation of new practices as well as to help individual leaders achieve breakthrough results. The multi-modality design – classroom, coaching, learning partners, and development goals – helps reinforce learning and create new habits.


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