Michele said yes!

May 28, 2017 · by Joe Alvarez · Filed Under Choices, Previous · Leave a Comment

When Allison and I started the Alvarez Porter Group in 2009 our vision was to create a community of social justice Organization Development practitioners who could do good work with great organizations while learning from and supporting each other. After eight years, it feels good to look around and see that that is what we’ve done.

Michele Berry, Senior Partner

We are proud to announce Michele Berry is a full partner in the Alvarez Porter Group. Michele brings a background in the private sector and startup world that is extremely valuable. She is a team builder and a warm and skillful facilitator. Michele has been a major contributor in the past four years, and we are thrilled she agreed to join us in this new role. She is a working mom and active in her Dayton, Ohio community in support of racial justice and turning Ohio blue again. See her blog on “What inspires me now.”

Ana is on board!

We are also thrilled that Ana Polanco is now an associate partner in the Alvarez Porter Group. Ana’s background with LCLAA, UNITE, and Amnesty International and starting her own company grounds her work and informs her insights. She is talented strategist and facilitator and a highly skilled and compassionate coach. We strongly recommend you attend her June 10 seminar on “Coaching Skills for Transformation” in NYC or invite her to run a coaching class for your staff.

Damon, Jessica and Carmen are ready to coach!

As a community organizer in South Central Los Angeles, Damon Gbuduala Azali learned to observe and assess the conditions on the ground in order to win campaigns for criminal, educational and environmental justice. He is currently on faculty for the Leadership That Works.

Carmen Vivian Rivera brings her experience as a government and nonprofit executive, community organizer, and policy analyst to her work as a consultant and coach. She has a strong multi-cultural, social justice perspective to help clients act on challenges that matter most to them.

Jessica Walker Beaumont has valuable leadership experience from the front lines of social change from the WTO protests in Seattle to her work at AFSC to organizing in her Brooklyn, NY community. She is an insightful and strategic consultant and certified executive coach.

Learn more about these great new folks who have joined with other fantastic members of the Alvarez Porter Group here.



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