APG management training – a model

January 27, 2011 · by Allison Porter · Filed Under Choices, Previous · Leave a Comment

When a staff member is failing to get the job done, what do you assume?  It’s their fault?  The job is impossible?  Turn it around.  A staff member is doing great, what do you assume?  They’re great?  They got an easy assignment?  What about when a team is unaccountable and low performing?  Or another team is firing on all cylinders?  What do you think is going on?

Having a complex understanding of what is happening is the first step.  Having the ability to foster the high performance and effectively manage the poor performance is another.

As a manager, you need to become a master of your own influence.  You need to see systems, connect with people, define goals, tap into motivation, foster accountability, be a champion for your team … and in many other ways do a job that – when it’s at its best – no one sees.

Joe and I have each been doing management training and coaching for over 20 years.  We finally took our virtual file cabinets of workshops, articles and handouts and asked ourselves – what really matters?  When we reflect on what has created the most “ah has”, the most breakthrough performances, and has had the biggest impact on the results organizations are getting – what rises to the top?

The product of this dialogue and the resulting collaboration is the APG model for effective management.  Follow this link to read more and be sure to give us feedback, ask questions and keep the dialogue going. What concepts, training or support has made the most difference for you?


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