What inspires me now: Neighbors taking action

What inspires me now: Neighbors taking action

May 9, 2017 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

I am inspired by Tim and Alison Benford, who cancelled their retirement plans and poured their time and passion into organizing their community in Dayton, Ohio. They launched a block and street captain structure and personally recruited hundreds of people ... read more

Putting R Before T - It's How S**t Gets Done

Putting R Before T – It’s How S**t Gets Done

January 2, 2016 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

You are juggling your “usual” workday, which seems more and more hectic. The only way to get through everything seems to be with back-to-back meetings. Your head is down, your neck is tight, and you disengaged hours ago. You blindly ... read more

Interdependent, Values-driven, Grounded

Interdependent, Values-driven, Grounded

October 14, 2013 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

Austin Thompson b. 1986 Dayton, Ohio The first Millennial Coordinator at SEIU International is a positive force who who leads with both humor and hope based on deep roots and regular reflection.  1.     What three words describe your leadership style?  Interdependent, Values-driven, Grounded 2.     What are you best ... read more

360: Friend or Foe?

360: Friend or Foe?

February 14, 2013 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

Most of us do not have a clear or complete picture of ourselves. We know how we MEAN to act, what we INTEND to say… yet we know very little about how people actually experience us or what they REALLY ... read more

Creating Community

Creating Community

February 6, 2013 · by Michele Berry · Leave a Comment

I pay attention to books that stay with me and influence my behavior for the better. Peter Block's Community: The Structure of Belonging is such a book. In it, Peter proposes that small groups are our only hope for achieving connectedness between people ... read more